Our Journal

We all know plenty of situations when we got triggered and said something in the heat of the moment which we later regretted – and where afterwards we replayed the situation in our heads on what we could have said. …could have… should have… – yet...

“Whether you chose the change or not, you still need to make the transition” - William Bridges   Clients who are part of the leadership teams of the PE backed companies or Start-ups I work for, have been leading through many organisational changes in the past few months.  And...

I often get the question: "How do I get the people I work with to trust me?" And I do have a personal preferred question I use to make people understand that I care for them, that they matter to me and that I am worthy...

The last six months of navigating through this pandemic have been quite the emotional roller coaster ride. Just like a real roller coaster, there have been periods of unbridled adrenaline followed by times when you felt the world was moving at slow motion, and every...